Pubblicato in: Cronache

Ho messo via

Slightly different this time. Instead of translating a song from English to Italian, I tried to do the opposite. There may be errors, and I take full responsibility for those :worried: If you spot an error, please leave a comment (especially if you are a native English speaker). Thanks. …Lyrics and music by Luciano Ligabue (I believe)

I put away some noise
they say: “that’s what you do”.
In my bedside table I have a mine
and six-thousand-watt tonsils.
I put away those “hide and seek”,
they say they don’t suit my age,
but if they turn back for a moment
I’ll play them again, because I like it.

I put away some illusions
because, sooner or later, that’s enough.
I filled two or three boxes of them,
anyway: I know where they are.
I put away some advices,
those that say: “it’s easier”.
I put them away because I’m very good
at making mistakes without them.

I am making some room for me,
and what I expect, I don’t know:
that there was room available,
there is, and there will be.
I put away a bunch of stuff
but I can never explain why
I can’t make it to put you away.

I put away some bashings I had,
but I couldn’t put away the scars.
It’s not the pain, nor is the bang,
it’s that unfortunately I still have the bruises.
I put away a bunch of photos
that are going to take dust;
it will cover remorses, regrets,
rancours, and whys.

I am making some room for me,
and what I expect, I don’t know:
that there was room available,
there is, and there will be.
I put away a bunch of stuff
but I can never explain why
I can’t make it to put you away.

With these shoes on,
and on this earth that rocks,
it rocks, and rocks, and rocks.
With the comfort of a sky
that stands there still.

I am making some room for me,
and what I expect, I don’t know:
that there was room available,
there is, and there will be.
I put away a bunch of stuff
but I can never explain why
I can’t make it to put away,
make it to put away,
make it to put away you.


System Administrator, technical author, Free Software advocate, Perl and cfengine enthusiast and many other things, too many to mention

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